Regular and special services

Services are regularly held at St Peter’s at the following times and you are most welcome to join us.


8.00 am Said Holy Communion

A simple Communion Service, an opportunity to receive Communion or to have a blessing. The 1662 Book of Common Prayer (BCP) is used on the second Sunday of the month.

10.00 am Sung Parish Communion

A service most Sunday mornings with hymns, Bible readings, prayers, a short talk and also an invitation to receive Communion or a blessing .  Children’s Church runs at the same time. Sometimes it’s a Family Communion (see below) Refreshments are served afterwards in the hall.

10.00 am Sunday Morning with St Peter’s

On the third Sunday of the month, a more informal mix of words, music and reflections rather than traditional parish communion. Children’s Church runs at the same time. It is followed by refreshments in the hall.

10.00 am Children’s Church

Every week

Children’s Church is a fun way to learn more about God, for all school-age children, during the 10am weekly Sunday service. Children meet in church, then share their own session with Beth and Tamsin in the hall whilst parents stay in the church service. Each week we focus on a different theme; together we learn, craft, play, sing  and pray! Then it’s back into church to join the rest of the church family. Children’s Church is every week – unless it’s Family Communion, in which case come anyway!!

10.00 am Family Communion

Every so often – check for dates

A short relaxed service for the whole church family, based round child-friendly words, music and involvement, and ending with an opportunity to share in  Communion.  Check What’s On or follow the C.a.f.e Facebook page for dates.

4.00 pm Messy Church

Monthly, check for dates

Messy Church is a different kind of church, informal and especially suitable for families. It includes activity-based time, food, songs and most importantly fun! It normally runs once a month in the hall or on the field on a Sunday afternoon, follow the C.a.f.e Facebook page to stay in touch. Messy Church is supported by all the churches in Addingham.

6.00 pm Evensong

1st Sunday in the month

A traditional sung service (1662 BCP) with hymns, Bible readings and prayers. A beautiful gentle service at the end of the day.

Livestreamed Services

10am Sunday services and Evensong services are livesteamed through our Facebook page so you can join in from home or just see what they are like.


11.00 am Rainbow Tots

1st Monday of the month, Term Time

This short simple child-friendly service is held once a month in church, following on from the Toddler group session in the hall. It has a theme, songs, activity and sharing, aimed at toddlers.


7.00 pm Healing Service

1st Thursday of the month

This is a quiet reflective service with music, prayers and a short talk. It’s an opportunity to name before God people for whom you have a special concern (or yourself). The service offers love, peace, forgiveness and reconciliation to anyone who is anxious or hurting in body, mind or spirit.

Special Services

Special Services

These take place to celebrate specific events in the life of the church, sometimes inside the church building and sometimes in our extensive church field. For example, we hold carol services at Christmas, reflective services on Good Friday, a community Remembrance Day service, a traditional Harvest Festival and so on. More details of these and other special services at St Peter’s are available closer to each event from the ‘What’s On’ page.

We also host and share services and events with Addingham Churches Together (ACT); a warm welcome awaits you in all the churches in our village.