Social Events
St Peter’s is like a family with lots of different social events. Keep an eye on the ‘What’s On’ page for regular updates.Sunday Coffee & Chat:
Every Sunday after the 10am service, we meet to have refreshments and enjoy a chat. Do feel free to join us (even if you haven’t been to the service!).
St Peter’s is a Fair-Trade church, which means we are committed to serving only fairly traded tea, coffee and sugar at our events.
The Wulfherans are a social fellowship, taking their name from Bishop Wulfhere, the Anglo Saxon Bishop who lived for a while in Addingham in the year 867. We meet on the first Tuesday of each month for a varied and enjoyable programme of talks and visits, plus our legendary annual dinner and summer BBQ. Many come from the village as well as the congregation, so you are all most welcome to join us. You can find details about upcoming meetings on the ‘What’s On’ page, or see the progamme for the year on the link below.
People come from far and wide each weekend in Summer for our famous home-made cakes and scones, to enjoy the beauty, peace and quiet of our lovely church and grounds, as well as to have a good chat with others. Many also browse and buy items from our “re-use and recycle” bric-a-brac stall.
Everyone is most welcome: individuals, families, groups of walkers and cyclists. (If possible, please give us advance warning of groups larger than 12-15 to ensure we have enough cakes: 01943 830 306
2024 is our 41st year of FOSPA teas! The season runs from the end of May to the first Sunday in October (Harvest Festival).