Children and Family Events

Tamsin, our Children and Family worker, organises a range of activities for families, children and young people. You can contact her to find out more at

View the latest news about events

for children and families on Facebook


Children’s Church 10am
every Sunday

Children’s Church is a fun way to learn more about God, for all school-age children, during the 10am weekly Sunday service. Children meet in church, then share their own session with Beth and Tamsin in the hall whilst parents stay in the church service. Each week we focus on a different theme; together we learn, craft, play, sing  and pray! Then it’s back into church to join the rest of the church family. Children’s Church is every week – unless it’s Family Communion, in which case come anyway!!

Family Service 10am
(every so often – check here)

A short relaxed service for the whole church family, based round child-friendly words, music and involvement. (It’s followed by Communion.) Check the C.a.f.e Facebook page for dates.

Messy Church 4pm
(monthly, check for details)

Messy Church is a different kind of church, informal and especially suitable for families. It includes activity-based time, food, songs and most importantly fun! It normally runs once a month in the hall or on the field on a Sunday afternoon, follow the C.a.f.e Facebook page to stay in touch. Messy Church is supported by all the churches in Addingham.

C.A.F.E at St Peter’s
(every so often – check here)

C.A.F.E stands for Children’s and Family Events at St. Peter’s! Do follow the C.a.f.e Facebook page to stay in touch with dates, times and details of what is happening when, and come along for an informal family-focused fun time of shared activities, music and food in the hall, in church or on the field. It’s church, but not as you know it….


Little Blossoms Babies and Toddlers at St. Peter’s 9.30-11.30 am

We are glad to support Little Blossoms Babies and Toddlers at St Peter’s which provides an opportunity for toddlers, babies, parents and carers to meet in the hall for play and company. The group meets each Monday.

Rainbow Tots, 11am (1st Monday of the month, term time)

This short child-friendly service is now held at St. Peter’s once a month in church, with songs, activity and sharing for babies and toddlers.

Rainbows 5.15pm (term-time)

St Peter’s hosts the Addingham Rainbows, a Girl Guiding unit for girls aged 5-7, who meet each week during term-time in the hall. For more details, please email

What’s the Story

Each year, St Peter’s welcomes year groups from Addingham Primary School to church for a day, to answer the questions “What’s the story about Easter” and “What’s the story about Christmas?”. The church building is transformed into a series of story-telling dens, and a team of narrators each tell a part of these very special accounts, using scripts written by Bob Hartmann.

Open the Book

Friends from all the churches in the village join to tell Bible stories in assembly at Addingham Primary School a number of times a year. There are costumes, props, and audience participation. The fun scripts by Bob Hartmann and the thoughtful reflections about each story combine to make these sessions memorable.

(Lockdown prevented the team from going into the school, so we made Open the Book videos for them instead – you can view these on YouTube)

The Church operates a Child Protection Policy; you can read details here and they are on display in the church hall foyer. If you have any concerns, please contact the Rector or Wardens or the Safeguarding Officer.