Fairtrade guarantees producers a fair price for their goods, enough to afford life's essentialsFairtrade
St. Peter’s is a registered Fairtrade church. We use Fairtrade tea, coffee and sugar for refreshments after services and at FOSPA teas, which run every Sunday afternoon from the end of May until the start of October, and we also have an occasional Fairtrade PopUp stall.
Fairtrade is based on the belief that the best way to eliminate poverty is to pay farmers a fair price for their produce and workers a fair wage for their labour. Goods which have a Fairtrade label guarantee that the producers were paid a fair price, so that farmers and workers in developing countries earn secure and sustainable livelihoods, sufficient to provide nutritious food, education, community improvements and healthcare.
Fairtrade can have positive impacts beyond providing a decent income; it can affect gender equality, child labour, and environmental issues such as sustainability and deforestation.
You can find a list of some local shops and outlets supplying Fairtrade products here
You can find out more about the Fairtrade Foundation, or make a donation, here